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Video: Installing and Using the N4 Sedona Driver in Niagara 4

Niagara Workbench™ is an indispensable solution for programming and maintaining a Niagara system. However, it is seldom used with field controllers because the controllers do not incorporate Niagara. Contemporary Controls' N4 Sedona Driver can be used with our BACnet Open controllers to deliver a one-tool solution for your Niagara N4 (version 4.11 or later). The N4 Sedona Driver is licensed from Sedona community member, Ontrol, and is available for our Sedona controllers at no additional cost.

With the N4 Sedona Driver installed on N4 Workstation or N4 JACE, Niagara 4 can be used to communicate via Sedona (SOX) to Sedona devices to read/write their points. It can also be used to program the wiresheet on Sedona devices. You will need a running station in Workbench or a JACE that includes the N4 Sedona driver. Our new video explains how to install N4 Sedona driver and program a Sedona wiresheet on Workbench.

When Niagara 3.x transitioned to Niagara 4.x, Sedona programming was lost. With the N4 Sedona Driver, it is no longer necessary to retain an old version of Workbench AX to program Contemporary Controls' BAScontrol BACnet Sedona controllers or Micro PC Edge Controllers.

The Sedona Driver includes features once found in Workbench AX, such as a Sedona Kit Manager and the ability to save and restore SAX files. One difference with using the N4 Sedona Driver is that you will need to be running a Niagara station, which can be an advantage when remote access to a site is required. A VPN connection to the Niagara station at the site provides access to all Sedona controllers connected to the station.

Contemporary Controls' series of Sedona controllers feature BACnet as a communications protocol and Sedona as a license-free function block programming language and are compatible with the Niagara Workbench N4. While a license is required to use the Sedona Driver, there is no charge for the driver for use with Contemporary Controls devices.

Mastery in minutes: Video - How to Install and Use the N4 Sedona driver in Niagara4

Visit the N4 Driver page to learn more and download the driver.