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Understanding the Different Types of Remote Access

A VPN can provide secure access to remote job sites while giving systems integrators the flexibility to monitor and maintain systems from the convenience of their home or office. Contemporary Controls offers three VPN solutions.

Our RemoteVPN subscription service provides secure communication and the convenience of remote access without having to maintain the VPN server. Hosted on the Internet and maintained by a subscription provider, RemoteVPN incorporates a cloud-based server with clients for workstations and mobile devices and routers installed at job sites.

In addition to the RemoteVPN subscription service, Contemporary Controls offers Self-HostedVPN and BridgeVPN solutions which allow users to set up and maintain their own secure remote access without subscription fees and without the need for a cloud-based VPN server.

For an in-depth comparison of the capabilities and features of our our RemoteVPN subscription service, and our Self-HostedVPN and BridgeVPN solutions, review our "Understanding Contemporary Controls' VPN Options" (PDF)