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EnOcean Wireless Devices Improve Building Automation and Control

EnOcean is an energy-harvesting, wireless communication protocol that powers devices without the need for batteries or an external power source. EnOcean devices are self-powered, extracting power from ambient resources, such as kinetic energy, sunlight, magnetic fields, or thermal variations. In many cases, they can be added without the need to run additional wires, which makes them suitable for newly constructed buildings and retrofits. An EnOcean to BACnet Gateway provides a flexible building block for incorporating EnOcean wireless devices to a BACnet/IP network or expanding the number of EnOcean points in an existing building automation system (BAS).

The EnOcean technology and standard are managed by the EnOcean Alliance—a coalition of companies that work to provide open and interoperable wireless and service-free sensor solutions for the building automation industry. The technology is based on the EnOcean Radio Standard (ISO/ IEC 14543-3-1X) which is optimized for wireless solutions with ultralow power consumption and energy harvesting. It provides the following operating standards:

  • Europe: 868 MHz
  • Japan: 928 MHz
  • US/Canada: 902 MHz

The EnOcean Alliance defines EnOcean RF communications and message formats. It also defines EnOcean Equipment Profiles (EEPs) to ensure that sensors from one manufacturer can communicate with receiver gateways of another.

Contemporary Controls' EnOcean to BACnet Gateway features EnOcean device discovery with built-in EEP and web-page configuration using a common web browser. This provides seamless integration of EnOcean devices with BACnet devices/supervisors in one automation system. There are no external tools required for configuration.

According to the Building Automation and Controls Market Outlook to 2030, "The global building automation and controls market was valued at $86.4 billion (USD) in 2021. The market is expected to reach $221 billion (USD) by 2030, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11%." The report indicates that "improvements in HVAC systems are one of the main things driving growth in the building automation and controls market."

The EnOcean Alliance estimates the wireless technology in smart buildings translates to:

  • Energy savings of 30%
  • Cost savings of 80% for retrofitting and 15% for installation in new buildings
  • Labor reduction of 2,333 hours/291 days for installation of lighting, shading, and temperature control (based on 20,000 m2 of space)

Further, EnOcean battery-free, wireless technology can save an entire year of labor in battery replacement (for a building equipped with 10,000 sensors).

To learn more how EnOcean wireless devices can improve the performance and sustainability of BASs and smart buildings, watch our video What Is EnOcean. Or visit the EnOcean Alliance EnOcean Alliance - Building Smarter Connectivity.

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