The BAScontrol Toolset has been updated to fully support the newly released BASpi-Edge controller, as well as BAScontrol20C and BAScontrol22C platform emulation in the BASemulator utility.
"This update gives BASpi-Edge users all of the tools they need", said Zach Netsov our Product Specialist. "In addition, BAScontrol Client Controller users now have the ability to emulate controller operation right on their PC or laptop and develop control sequences even when they do not have access to the actual controller. Projects developed in the emulator can then be restored to real controllers using the BASbackup utility and deployed in the field. The toolset can also be used in training and education-all of this functionality comes free!"
The free BAScontrol Toolset is a set of tools to develop, store and restore application programs for the BAScontrol series of controllers and the BASpi. The controllers are built on Sedona - a license-free software environment where components deployed in kits are assembled onto a wire sheet to create applications. The toolset is stored in a Contemporary Controls folder on a Windows PC sharing a common data folder of general-purpose kits along with Contemporary Controls' custom hardware-dependent and hardware-independent kits. Kits can be updated or added to the data folder at any time without impacting the toolset.
For customers not yet familiar with the BAScontrol Toolset, it includes:
Sedona Application Editor (SAE)
The Sedona Application Editor (SAE) is a tool used to create custom applications in the Sedona environment. Using graphical means, components residing in kits are dragged onto a wire sheet, configured and interconnected with other components to create applications. By keeping the kits database updated with the latest kits, SAE can program any model within the BAScontrol and BASpi series of controllers.
BASbackup-BAScontrol Project Utility
BASbackup, the BAScontrol Project Utility, provides a convenient way of storing and restoring a BAScontrol project to a desktop or laptop computer. Although you can store and restore a Sedona application with the Sedona Application Editor, a BAScontroller has IP addressing and BACnet configuration files that are unrelated to Sedona. With BASbackup you can save both Sedona application files and configuration files on the BAScontrol making a comprehensive copy of your BAScontrol project.
BASemulator-BAScontrol Emulation on a PC
The BASemulator is a handy utility that works in conjunction with the Sedona Application Editor (SAE) and BASbackup. BASemulator can emulate the operation of any of the controllers in the BAScontrol series on a Windows PC. All real, virtual and web points including Sedona logic in a BAScontroller or BASpi can be viewed with SAE as if it was the actual controller. All web pages used for displaying point status and for configuration appear on a web browser as if it was the actual controller. The files are sufficient to completely backup a BAScontrol project.
Visit SAE product page to learn more.